Thursday, June 24, 2010

1000 x 4 = 4000!!!!!!!

So tired, by the way, who is the guy with the long hair in the Pretty Little Liars commercial, I've seen him before in some movie, but I can't remember who he is. I was just wondering as I just saw the ad. In the past three days I have worked for 17 hours, I have opened and closed over 600 combination locks, so boring. So far the summer is going great.

Every time that I am blogging, when I don't have music, I play the songs in my head, I put together a little playlist of the songs that I play, hope you like them.

Right now lululemon has a photo contest going on, of yoga around the world. I really want to post a picture of me in camel somewhere in Turkey, I hope that I can get the shot, I will get my dad to take one for me when we get there. I wil then post it on my blog, and you will be like, huh??????? no you won't because you now know about it.

I think that I am really in the mood to blog, but I have no idea what to right about, what do you think. I am trying to decide if I want to repaint my window sill, it is the nicest bright yellow, and I really like it, but I want a bit of a change. i also want to move the furniture in my bedroom, but it requires two people and alot of time. I will do it when I get home from Turkey, as tomorrow is Friday and I will be by myself and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week I work and then we leave Wednesday night, and I won't be back until the second week of August. Such a long time to be away.

I set up a new blog for our trip, I will link to it here. I will try to blog a much as I can, whenever we have internet. I know that we will have internet for the first four days in Istanbul, but I don't know about after that.

Time to go.
Love Laura

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