Saturday, September 25, 2010

I like your face.

So in Canadian French, which is quite different to the French that they speak in France, the expression "I like your face", means that you like someone as a person/friend. Do we hve an expression like that in English? There are alot of things that we don't have words for in English. There is no word for the plural of you, so you have to put words together. I learned from watching a recent vlogbrothers video on YouTube that there is no word in Romanian that means "shallow", you have to say "not deep". There is no word in English for the ring of water that is left on a surface by a cold glass, but there is in Italian, is that strange?

I think that it is also strange that there is no opposite for some things, such as rolling. You could that argue that sitting is the opposite of standing and that white is the opposite of black, but what is the opposite of rolling? Does it need to have an opposite? The word for when there is no word for something when there should be is "lacuna", or you could call it "a lexical gap", but that is not a word.

Even though there is an absence of words when there should be, there are words out there that we really don't need to have, such as "Samba", it means to rub the sides of your belly button together....?????????????? The word "dibble" means to drink like a duck, are there actually people out there who study the science of duck drinking??? "Rigicide" means killing a king, who uses that word, do you know anybody who has killed a king recenty and told you about it???

Think things over, and tell me what you think of this.

Love Laura

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