Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 13

This is my goal for next year, En Pointe. I really want to get en pointe. Anyway, tonight I babysat and that is pretty much it. I am looking forward to Spring break, we leave for Vegas March 3. I don't know what I am going to do about the whole not being able to blog thing. Maybe I will change how often I post, I probably won't even be able to get internet in Cuba, Turkey, Bulgaria or Jordan. What am I going to do. Maybe start posting atleast three times a week, but special post, not these three line posts, telling you that I really need to sleep, which right now I do. Maybe I will just do a total of 365 posts over a period of two years, that way I can take some time off, but still have all of the post that I need. My youtubeless week is over, and I have been catching up on all of the things that I have missed. I love youtube. Maybe one day I will start a vlog, once I can show that I am dedicated to blogging. Friday is our wrestling test in gym, we do phyiscal testing starting monday, double block. Tomorrow I have double English. I htink that this is a long enough post.

Love Laura

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